
SYLLABUS Spring 2001

Dr. M. Zabinski

Bannow 112


Microcomputing Today by Steven Mandell

The course will cover the majority of the chapters.


There will be a midterm test and a final.
The midterm covers the 1st half of the course.
The final exam covers the 2nd half of the course and also some topics from the 1st half, for example HTML and Basic.
If a student misses a test, he/she must furnish a valid excuse, i.e., from a physician or from the dean, otherwise a failing grade will be given.
Whether students with a valid excuse are given a makeup test is at the discretion of the professor.
If no makeup is given, one less test grade will be averaged for the course grade.


Each homework assignment has an announced due date. Homework handed in late is given reduced credit.


Final 2/4 - 2 units

Midterm 1/4 - 1 unit

Homework/Participation 1/4 - 1 unit

PS 70: Addendum to the syllabus

In no special order, here are answers to FAQ about the course: 1. No previous background in computers is required.

2. Time permitting, you will ?learn by doing? (hands on) the following topics:

a. Web page design and the language HTML.

b. Computer programming in the language BASIC.

c. Creating spread sheets in Excel.

d. Creating slide presentations in Power point.

e. Creating data bases in Access.

f. E-mail, scanning, burning CDs, and uploading a home page to the Internet.

3. PS 70 is not a course for computer scientists; however, you are expected to learn basic concepts. This includes the basics of computer programming and application software.

4. There is no mechanism by which a student can earn extra credit (no term papers, etc.).

5. The midterm covers chapter?s 1,2,4,5, appendices A, B and the topics covered in class.

6. The final covers chapters 3,6,7, appendix C, the topics covered in class since the midterm, and also some topics from the first half. These topics will be announced.

7. The format of the tests is multiple choice questions, essay questions, and programming questions such as create a spread sheet to¼ ..or write a program in BASIC to ¼

8. Students are encouraged to participate in class: ask questions, offer opinions, describe experiences and contribute to discussions. Classroom participation is part of the homework grade.

9. My office hours in Bannow 112 are posted. In addition feel free to make appointments.

10. Class meets in GR4 except on test dates when class meets in Bannow 254.

11. Homework needs to be turned in on its due date. Reduced credit is given for late homework.

Homework Assignments Due Date
Homework 1: Resume Thurs, 9/20/01
Homework 2: Search Engines Mon, 10/1/01
QBASIC #2 Thurs, 10/11/01
Resume Upload. For instructions, see the "How To" section below. Mon, 10/15/01
QBASIC #3 Mon, 10/22/01
Excel #1 Thurs, 11/1/01
Excel #2 Mon, 11/5/01
Powerpoint Thurs, 11/15/01
Access Mon, 11/26/01
Graphics Mon, 12/3/01
Library Search Thurs, Dec/6/01

"How To" Section:

How to Scan

How to Post Your Homepage Online

How to Burn a CD

Send any questions/comments to

Michelle Woodruff
Dolan 427; Telephone # 7040
Box #: 445
Dr. Zabinski
Office Bannow 112; Telephone # 2190