Revised 9/11/01 | |
NAME_________________________ | Dr. M. Zabinski |
PS 70 |
Write a resume that includes:
1. An ordered or unordered list
2. Fonts of at least two different sizes
3. Some words in bold letters
4. A centered line
5. A link to a favorite site (place this in the section "personal interests")
6. Any small graphic placed at the top right of the page; this graphic will later be replaced by your own photo
7. The source code needs to include at least one comment (i.e. your name); recall comments are produced by
<!-- your name here -->
8. At least one line in a color other than black
9. At the end of the resume add "mail to" feature.
10. Any other creative feature...
11. Add a 2nd page that is accessed from the first page. The 2nd page needs to give the user the option to return to the 1st page.
12. Include a TABLE on your page (for example a table
of your gpa each semester)
13. Download and embed a wav sound file. Be sure the sound file is no larger than 100k. Use: <EMBED src = "sound.wav" autostart = true hidden = true loop = false>
Submit this Homework stapled in the
following order:
1st pg: This page as a cover sheet.
2nd pg: The actual resume as it appears in Netscape as a home page.
Indicate what is in color and in
which color.
3rd pg: The source code. (From Notepad)
4th pg: Page 2 of the actual resume as it appears in Netscape. (item 11 above)
3rd pg: The source code for page 2. (item 11 above)
6th pg: A copy of the favorite site
as it appears on the Web.