Access Homework
PS 70
Dr. M. Zabinski
Access Homework
Be sure to read the entire assignment before you start.
What you need to do:
A. Create a data base consisting of 2 tables of data. Each record in the table is to contain at least 4 fields. One of these fields in each table is an ID. Each table has the ID field as its key. One table has fields containing first and last names. Other than the Id field there are no duplicate entries in the two tables (except include several same last names with different first names). Be sure the two tables have a meaningful relationship and are linked through the ID field. The last names should be entered unsorted (not in alphabetic order) and no two identical last names are to be typed in one after the other.
B. Fill each table with at least 8 records. Include several records with the same last names but different first names.
C. Link the tables with the Id field.
D. Create two reports; each report shows all the data of each table in the original order as it was originally typed in.
E. Create an interesting (meaningful) query that produces information from the data. The query is to extract data from both tables.
What you need to hand in:
1. This sheet as your cover sheet.
2. A word processed description of your data base describing its contents and its purpose, i.e., what information the data can yield. Also clearly describe what the query in (E) above accomplishes/demonstrates.
3. The reports of (D) above. Be sure each report is properly identified.
4. A third report in which the last and first name fields are sorted alphabetically. Be sure that the original data as entered into the tables in (A) above is totally unsorted. For example, the records with the same last name are not typed in one after the other.
5. A printout of the query report in (E) above.
Note: Each report must include the date as a footnote and the number of records it shows.
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